Psychological evaluations

We provide psychological evaluations that assess for cognitive, socio-emotional, and adaptive functioning. This includes 3 visits to our office. We gather information on the individual's history during the initial visit. Then obtain insurance's approval for the evaluation, if using insurance to cover the service. The second visit includes the administration of tests that typically lasts 3-5 hours. Upon completion of the comprehensive report, the individual will be invited back for a feedback session.


Bariatric Evaluations

Bariatric evaluations assess for appropriateness of bariatric surgery. It includes 1-2 visits with the first consisting of obtaining information on the individual's history and the administration of tests. The second visit is an optional feedback session when results are reviewed and shared.


Gender affirmation Evaluations

We provide evaluations for individuals engaged in the process of approval for gender confirmation surgery (gender reassignment or sex reassignment surgery). It includes 1 visit in order to obtain a personal history and other required information. 



Consultations are one-time visits that provide you with further direction and guidance. At this visit, we request that you bring in any relevant records (i.e. previous evaluations, academic report cards) in order for our providers to best help you.